#, #, #, #, # - 10 May, 2020

Tracing Back the History of Jamu

The origin and development of jamu is not fully known with certainty. This is because there is no documentation about ...[More]

#, #, #, #, #, # - 26 Mar, 2020

Boreh, a Traditional herb to Relieve Bloating

On the whole, bloating can be treated in several ways, including compressing the stomach with warm water, massaging the stomach, ...[More]

#, #, #, #, #, #, #, # - 23 Mar, 2020

Bunga Melati Herb, an Easy Way to Relieve Bee Stings

Have you ever been stung by a bee? Whether you have a history of allergies or not, bee stings are ...[More]

Daun Binahong to Reduce Swelling in Your Feet

The benefits of binahong/Madeira-vine (Anredera cordifolia) as a medicinal plant have been proven over time. Daun binahong (binahong leaves) contain ...[More]

Kecubung to get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is the flaking of dead skin cells on the scalp in the form of white or gray tiny flakes. ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 10 Feb, 2020

Wedang Sarabba, a Makassar Signature Drink

The island of Java has wedang jahe, wedang ronde, wedang asle, wedang bandrek, and various other wedang (hot drinks). However, ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 10 Feb, 2020

Wedang Serbat, the Nearly Extinct Body Warmer Drink

Wedang serbat has a slightly hot tastes compared to other types of wedang (hot drinks). Serbat has a punchy spicy ...[More]

Lower Cholesterol with Wedang Bajigur

Jamupedia friends, not many people know the benefits of wedang bajigur. most of them only consume bajigur to warm the ...[More]

Bir Plethok, a Resistance Beer from Betawi

The history of bir pletok is told by JJ Rizal, a Betawi historian. Since long time ago Betawi people are ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 10 Feb, 2020

The Many Benefits of Wedang Uwuh

Wedang uwuh is one of the most-loved wedang by the community. The proof is that this hot drink is available ...[More]