
A Brief of Kemangi Plant

During our lunch with grilled chicken or fried chicken, we often find kemangi leaves as a complement or salad. The ...[More]

3 Simple & Healthy Takjil Menu for Iftar

Iftar often makes our appetite go ‘crazy’ and pay no attention to the nutrient’s intake of our body. Although sweet ...[More]

#, #, #, #, #, # - 06 May, 2021

5+ Safe Ways to drink Jamu during Fasting

Basically, there are no restrictions on consuming jamu during fasting, as stated by dr. Ingrid Tania in live with jamupedia ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 04 May, 2021

Not just for Salad, Kemangi has Many Benefits for Health

Kemangi (lemon basil, Ocinum sanctum) is a herb often served along with cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage as vegetables. Even so, ...[More]

#, #, #, #, # - 13 Apr, 2021

Herbs for Elderly Women Complaints

Passing over the age of 50 years, the immune system begins to decline. The ability and function of the body’s ...[More]

- 08 Apr, 2021

Kunyit (Turmeric): A Brief Explanation

Kunyit or turmeric (Curcuma longa) is often found in various regions in Indonesia. This spice plant has branching rhizomes that ...[More]

Bunga Telang Series (7): The Chewy and Savory Bunga Telang Klepon

Hearing the term klepon mentioned, you probably will immediately imagine a cluster of round greed-colored Javanese traditional snacks. This green ...[More]

Bunga Telang Series (6): Sweet and Soft Telang Layered Pudding

In essence, a pudding is made from milk, yogurt, cornstarch, tapioca, eggs and a mixture of other ingredients. Puddings taste ...[More]

Bunga Telang Series (5): The Tasty Blue Telang Rice

Ever imagine eating a bowl of blue telang rice? A little weird, right? But behind that enchanting blue color, there ...[More]

Bunga Telang Series (4): The Refreshing and healthy Telang drinks

A cup of telang tea is priced at around Rp. 30,000 – 40,000 in certain coffee shops. Enjoy it with ...[More]