Bir pletok emerged during the Dutch colonial administration. At that time the Dutch aristocrats had a habit of serving beer, ...[More]
Gout often attacks the joints of the toes, knees, hands and wrists. Symptoms of gout are often taken lightly by ...[More]
Ever imagine eating a bowl of blue telang rice? A little weird, right? But behind that enchanting blue color, there ...[More]
A cup of telang tea is priced at around Rp. 30,000 – 40,000 in certain coffee shops. Enjoy it with ...[More]
Now we move to the third recipe for increasing breast milk production, namely sambal goreng daun katuk dan hati ayam ...[More]
The second choice of katuk leaf food recipe is Sayur Bening Katuk Jagung Manis (Katuk & Sweet Corn Clear Vegetable ...[More]
Generally, this bobor vegetables soup consists of various kinds of vegetables such as cassava leaves, spinach, mustard greens, pumpkin leaves ...[More]
In book 38 Racikan Jamu Nikmat Sehat Warisan Nenek Moyang (38 delicious-wholesome jamu of ancestral inheritance), our elders mentioned a ...[More]