#, #, # - 10 Feb, 2020

Kencur and Its Distribution

Kencur/aromatic ginger (Kaempferia galangal) is one of most widely cultivated empon-empon (medicinal plants) in Indonesia. It also has good market ...[More]

#, #, #, # - 17 Jan, 2020

Jukut Pendul to Relieve Itchy Skin

Allergies often cause itchy skin. One of herb plants to treat itchy skin is jukut pendul/kyllinga weed (Kyllinga brevifolia). It ...[More]

#, #, # - 13 Jan, 2020

Jamu Kunyit Asam to Relieve Period Pain

Jamu kunyit asam (jamu turmeric-tamarind) contains curcumin. It’s good to treat inflammation and calm down stomach contractions. Curcumin prevent the ...[More]

#, #, #, # - 12 Nov, 2019

Understanding the Classification and Symbols in Traditional Medicine Packaging

We should be grateful to born and live in Indonesia, which has abundant biological wealth, including thousands of types of ...[More]

#, #, #, # - 29 Oct, 2019

Practical Tips to Store Your Herbal Ingredients

Herbal ingredients can be in the form of spices such as turmeric, galangal, kencur (aromatic ginger, Kaempferia galangal), kunci (finger ...[More]